Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One of the best marketing tools that any business owner has is word of mouth.  Word of mouth is a strong tool because it gives a potential customer tangible information about a product or service.  We are all much more likely to try something that we have heard from friends or family about how great it is, rather than just seeing or hearing an advertisement about it.  News travels fast when people find something new that they have liked and can't wait to tell a friend about it.  Social Networking is built on this.  It is great to be able to join a group and share your experiences with others.  Those who haven't tried it can also benefit from finding out the true hard facts about whether they should give it a go too.

A business has the opportunity with every interaction with a customer to strengthen this word of mouth promotion.  Every great transaction, great sale price or amazing new product that a customer has experience with is a chance for growth.  Have you ever been to a store and found the greatest buys?  Chances are you couldn't wait to get the chance to tell someone about it!  And so it goes on, just like the 80's shampoo commercial with friends telling friends telling friends.

At ri-VYOO, we take this very seriously.  So much of our business comes from referrals.  This is awesome, especially since we are unconventional retailers.  We know how unusual it is to come to a residence to pick up your online shopping, but we also know our strengths and the things that make ri-VYOO a good alternative to shopping some better known street-front retailers.

So THANK YOU!!!!!!! to everyone who has given ri-VYOO a try and has taken the time to tell someone about us.  It is word of mouth from our customers like you that help us continue to grow.

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